
Weekend Mix: We’re Back (lol)

the weekend mix

When it comes to this blog, we say that we’re coming back a lot. But we’re back and we’ve dialed back on other activities that have been taking a lot of time. I’ve realized that I’ve been spending a lot of time working on other people, rather than working on my own art and that’s not okay, so I’ve dialed back on that. So, I’m here and I’m jumping back in to updating our weekend mix.

Games to Play- TTRPG Edition

While I was gone (for a whole year), I’ve stumbled into the world of TTRPG’s on itchio, a space that is doing very interesting things. It’s so vast, I don’t even think I can explain it to you, so I’ll just be posting links to games that are super cool and you should play them. Many of these games are priced, but I personally believe that these indie artists are doing great work and they should be paid. I hope you can support them. As a note, many of these games do have community copies, so make sure to scroll down the page if you cannot afford the game. Here’s some suggestions:

Stuff We’re Listening To:

We’re listening to podcasts about true crime and literature and lots of Mitski and sad stuff from high school, so here are some key suggestions:

Stuff We’re Watching:

Yes, we’re still watching South Park and it’s okay, but we won’t talk to you about South Park if you don’t want to, but here are our recommendations:


It’s ridiculously beautiful and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m so glad I was able to avoid spoilers and see this movie completely fresh. When you’re done seeing it, read this– it broke me.

First Half of the last season of Bojack Horseman

The first half of the final season of Bojack is here and it’s wild that it’s ending. I started watching it just after postgrad when I was working at the movie theatre and it’s ending, and everything he did is coming to a head. The last moments of the first half messed me up. Please watch it.

That’s just a little to get you started this weekend! Don’t forget that Rick and Morty is coming back soon and we will be talking about it. Hope you have a great weekend heading into fall

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